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16 to 19 Tuition Fund

We have been allocated funds from the ESFA to deliver tutoring for students in the Sixth Form who have been impacted by the lockdown and had their learning disrupted this year. The money will be available for the 2020-21 academic year only and must be used in that time.  All* students in the Sixth Form who have not achieved a grade 4 in English and Maths will get extra tuition.

We have employed two additional fully qualified tutors one in English and one in Maths who will be delivering this provision.  The tutoring is available face to face in College for all students.  When a student prefers to complete the tutoring session from home these will run live online via Teams. All sessions are in addition to the students planned curriculum. 


The sessions will run weekly.  Year 13 and 14 students who are leaving us at the end of this year will get priority one to one support.  Other eligible students will work in groups of no more than 3.


Please email for further details.


Please note on the run up to any assessments we will be offering additional tuition for all our Sixth Form students who have been impacted by the lockdown and had their learning disrupted this year.  This tuition is not funded by this allocation. Further details of these sessions will be sent to parents later in the year. 


*This includes all student including vulnerable students, students with an EHCP, looked after students and students with a social worker.

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