Curriculum Design
At Eggbuckland Community College, our curriculum is made from a number of different strands:
Our academic subjects
Our Personal development programme
Additional opportunities
Learning is a lifelong skill so in addition to our ambitious academic studies, we believe that is vital that our students are provided with the opportunities to explore and develop as learners, ready to take on the ever-changing world around them and to develop an appetite for learning.
We encourage our students to take part in additional opportunities and activities throughout their time with us; from engaging in leadership opportunities, clubs and enrichment activities through to our ‘Projects’ programme in Key Stage 3. Students are always encouraged to develop independence and enthusiasm for broadening their skills and wider knowledge.
Throughout their time at Eggbuckland Community College students follow a PSHE and Religious Education curriculum, which offers guidance, information and development of their spiritual, moral, social and cultural qualities and the RSE curriculum. They also take part in Core Physical Education each week, giving them a foundation for living a healthy and active lifestyle.
All students follow a Personal Development Programme delivered through the tutor sessions, which alongside developing them as people also supports their wider academic studies.
Our Personal Development Programme focuses on developing our core TICK values (Tenacity, Integrity, Compassion and Knowledge) in learners, through components such as:
Guided reading, supporting reading for pleasure, the development of oracy and vocabulary
Career and further education opportunities enabling students to make informed decisions about their futures.
Understanding our National Values and wider community supporting our students to become well rounded citizens
Understanding the importance of developing their personal wellbeing (both mental and physical) and supporting the wellbeing of others.
As a College we are committed to developing our students as readers, with the aim that all our students will leave us with a love of reading for pleasure. In Key Stage 3 we focus on reading for pleasure every day during our DEAR (drop everything and read) session. Our staff are expected to model reading, and students are encouraged to read a wide of range of books that interest them during the daily session.
How does our curriculum support our disadvantaged and SEND students?
As a College we believe in social justice and have kept this at the forefront when we have planned our curriculum, aiming to disproportionately support our disadvantage learners so that we (upwardly) close the disadvantage gap…. When designing our curriculum, we know that building a sequenced, coherent, and progressive curriculum helps towards establishing equity and ensuring we support not only our disadvantaged learners, but all our learners.
To ensure this we have made sure that our curriculum is designed to:
include powerful knowledge and core concepts that are academically sound, and deserve a place in the curriculum
identify the most important knowledge, so that we can ensure that this is learnt and understood before progression to the next stage of the curriculum.
be carefully sequenced so new knowledge is built on prior knowledge and becomes cumulative.
make links to prior learning so that our students can organise and make sense of new knowledge.
create a sense of belonging to encourage our students to engage in their learning, and to feel part of the process.
be delivered in manageable chunks so that learners are not overwhelmed.
encourage curriculum conversations in both our staff and students so that the curriculum is not static, but instead remains alive, and constantly meets the aims set out.
Provide opportunities to develop their sense of community and cultural capital so they broaden their knowledge and understanding of the world around them, and will provide them with ‘hooks’ to hang other knowledge on.