We will do our best to:
Set homework on a regular basis.
Set tasks which are suitable and achievable.
Relate homework tasks to the knowledge organiser and lessons.
Acknowledge homework with a 1-4 number (1 being excellent, 2 good, 3 satisfactory, 4 unsatisfactory).
Provide support for students at school e.g. homework clubs, Library facilities.
Provide an exercise book in each subject (where appropriate) that homework can be completed in.
Set homework in line with the following guidelines:
Year 7 and 8
45 minutes - 1.5 hours
Year 9
1-2 hours
Year 10 and 11
1.5 - 2.5 hours
Year 12 and 13
2.5 hours or more
What will I be asked to do?
Homework tasks might vary slightly between subjects, however they will include:
•Completion of online homework in Maths, Science and occasionally from other subjects.
•Self-quizzing using the knowledge organisers or related materials. This means that you will be asked to read a piece of information and then write and answer your own questions to show that you fully understand it.
•Learning vocabulary.
•Revising or preparing for an exam or formal assessment.
Homework Timetable
The homework timetable shows the days on which homework should be SET.
The homework should be recorded both in planners and on the SIMS app on this day of the week.
The deadline should allow sufficient time to complete the work well (usually not the following day). Failure to complete homework to an acceptable standard, or missing the deadline without a note of explanation from a parent or carer, may result in a detention.
Year 7 and 8 Humanities:
“Humanities” (Hums) subjects include History, Geography, Art and Design, Drama, IT, Music, PE, P4L and Technology.
In Year 7 and 8, homework will be set in these subjects on Wednesday if possible. However, as these classes are distributed throughout the week, if the class is not scheduled on a Wednesday, homework will be set on some other appropriate day. Some homework may include project based tasks that last a number of weeks.
The standard of homework is reported on the student tracker every six weeks using the following numbers.
HWK: Homework
•= Regularly completed, with good effort and attainment.
•= Regularly completed, with reasonable effort and attainment.
•= Sometimes completed, variable effort and attainment.
•= Unsatisfactory in terms of completion, effort or attainment.