Lockdown Procedure
Information for Parents
All schools are required to have Lockdown procedures in the case of dynamic emergencies. Our College has a comprehensive policy covering such a situation. It is important that parents/carers have guidance on what they could expect if there were a Lockdown in progress. Obviously, such emergencies would all present unique challenges, and the College would be obliged to follow guidance from the relevant emergency services which may differ from the information below. However, we hope the procedures below are helpful to you in knowing what you could expect.
Procedural information when Communicating with Parents
Should a Full Lockdown occur, it is advised that developments are communicated to parents / carers as soon as is practicable via email, website, social media as appropriate and in agreement with the emergency services and the most senior member of staff overseeing the incident. Parents will naturally be concerned, anxious and all accurate information released will assist to alleviate undue anxiety.
The College’s main priority is the safety and welfare of its students and dealing with the immediate situation. However, it will endeavour to ensure that parents / carers are given enough information to enable them to understand the potential outcome and when possible, time frames so that they:
Are reassured that the school / emergency services understand their concern for their child’s welfare, and that everything possible is being completed to ensure their safety.
Refrain from directly calling the College office. Calling the College will tie up telephone lines that will be required to be used by the responsible person and the emergency services.
Refrain from directly calling their child as this may put them and others in more danger.
DO NOT initially attend the school. This may interfere with the emergency provider’s access / investigation and may put themselves and others in danger.
Wait patiently until a safe and satisfactory outcome has been achieved and agreed by all parties, where a designated safe area will be identified for the safe handing over of the students o their parents /carers.
During the initial “breaking news” of the incident it is vital that all parents are reassured regarding the welfare and safety to their children is paramount and that the matter is being dealt with by the emergency services jointly to resolve the matter as soon as possible with minimal impact to the students and the wider community.
However, it must also be stressed that at this time the College is in a full lockdown procedure. During this period the switchboard and entrances will not be staffed, external doors will be locked, and no person is allowed in or out of the premises until further notice.