Year 11 and 13 wrapped up their mock exam series today - congratulations to Year 11 and 13 students who approached their mocks with maturity and tenacity. With new routines now in place, our students have a focussed and calm entry into the exam hall which sets them up to be in the right mindset to give their best performance in the exams.
Many Year 11s have also been taking the opportunity to study after school each day by attending Champions Hour - so far students have clocked up over 400 hours! This is amazing!
Year 9 students and their families attended Year 9 Options Evening last Thursday and were able to talk to Subject Leaders and teachers about the courses we have on offer at GCSE, as well as attend a presentation on the overall Options process. Year 9 have impressed us with their commitment to completing their careers action plan and engaging brilliantly in the preparation and information sessions they've had. Next stop is Year 9 Subject Parents' Evening which takes place straight after half term on Thursday, 27th February and then it will be time to make those important choices.
In sport we have continued to have success over the past two weeks with wins for Year 10 Football in the Plymouth League and an impressive 6 – 1 win against Coombshead in the Devon Cup. After a delayed start, our Under 16 Football team had a 3 – 1 victory in the National Elite Cup Quarter Final, so now progress on to the semi’s. With the U14 Girls Team also through to the Quarter Finals in the National Cup, we are seeing excellent success! They have both drawn away fixtures for their semi and quarter-finals respectively. We will all be wishing them luck and be right behind them for these matches. In other sports news, Sam P has been doing brilliantly in Badminton, with some excellent results across Plymouth, and Louie M’s diving success also continues.
Last week I mentioned Year 9s and the Articulacy project. We are delighted to have now received the results of their final assessment and found out that every student achieved at least a Merit! We will be issuing their certificates as soon as these arrive in College! Congratulations to everyone involved.
It's not long now until the College musical hits the stage. If you haven't yet ordered your tickets via Ticketsource, please do so and join us on either the 1st, 2nd or 3rd April and enjoy the performance our students and staff have been working so hard to produce.
This week is National Apprenticeship Week #NAW25 and we will be having a focus on this after half term. In the meantime, please see the separate post on events happening across the city over half term.
Last week, rather than celebrating our Top Performing Tutor Groups in terms of Sparx completion rates, we recognised our most improved Tutor Groups of the week in each Year Group: 10JQS (8% up), 9RHC (8% up), 8CDJ (10% up)and 7LVH (4% up). This week, we reverted back to awarding our box of chocolates to our highest performing groups: 10CVN, 9MHW, 8GOC and 7HMG. Well done teams!
As you will know, we introduced our ‘Star of the Lesson’ award this term which has been really well received and hotly contested by students. So far 3592 ‘Star of the Lesson’ awards have been given out across 920 students – that’s 89% of our student population who have received at least one ‘Star of the Lesson’ so far!
And finally, before we sign off for half term, let us celebrate our wonderful students who have been nominated for being Student of the Week – a huge accolade only given to one student in each Year Group each week for very bespoke reasons:
Last week:
Sixth Form: Caitlin H
Year 11: Chloe H
Year 10: Finley S
Year 9: Danny D
Year 8: Chloe M
Year 7: Isaac B
This week:
Sixth Form: Erin J
Year 11: Mia D
Year 10: Sienna M
Year 9: Betsy R
Year 8: Lola G
Year 7: Evie M
Congratulations to you all.
We have had an excellent half term here at ECC and the students have continued to do us proud on a daily basis. Their compassion and positivity has been noticed by staff and visitors to the College.
Thank you to all staff, students and parents for their continued support and for working in partnership.
We hope you all have an excellent break over the February half term, and we look forward to welcoming all students back to College on Monday, 24th February.
