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World Book Day!


"'If you knew Time as well as I do,' said the Hatter, 'you wouldn't talk about wasting it.'"

We had a fabulous time celebrating World Book Day on Thursday. Students from all year groups took part in a very competitive literary code breaking activity during tutor time (it was tense!), and the library was buzzing with activity during both break times. We have also had quizzes and creative writing competitions running for the last few weeks and have been so impressed with the submissions. Well done to Mr Matic-Booth’s tutor group for cracking the codes the fastest and well done to Lottie in Year 7 for her amazing poem.

The highlight of the day was of course the library team and their incredible Alice in Wonderland fancy dress. Miss Hallett said “all the hard work paid off, and we had an incredible day. Seeing the smiles on the students faces when they spotted our costumes was absolutely priceless!” and I know all the students will agree.

Miss Shepperd has also been so pleased that students have shown more engagement with reading and books since the World Book Day assemblies, she said “there really is nothing better in my job than hearing a student excited about reading”.


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