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Everyone's responsibility 

What is Safeguarding?

Safeguarding means protecting a citizen's health, wellbeing, and human rights; enabling them to live free from harm, abuse and neglect. It is an integral part of providing high-quality care within schools. We have both a statutory obligation and a moral responsibility to make sure that we address, challenge and report any instances where it is felt that this is not happening.


Our safeguarding practice in College is of the highest standard and is consistent with Westcountry Schools Trust, the Plymouth Safeguarding Children Board (PSCB) as well as Ofsted regulations. We work under the guidance of the Working Together to Safeguard Children’s Act and Keeping Children Safe in Education.


Our Staff

All staff recognise the importance of keeping every member of our school community safe and free from harm. To ensure that the highest standard of care and support is provided, all staff receive regular training and guidance and are fully aware of the role they play in safeguarding our young people. They are committed to identifying, helping, and managing all safeguarding concerns to ensure the right action is taken in the right way at the right time.


Our students

Safeguarding is our main priority at Eggbuckland Community College.  All of our students have the right to feel safe in every aspect of their lives, and to thrive in an environment where they feel that they are being listened to. We support students in being aware of the key safeguarding issues through our curriculum and other key events throughout the year. We encourage our students to look out for each other in addition to themselves to make sure we are all ‘doing our bit’ to make sure everyone is safe and supported.  Students are always shown how to report issues/concerns and the difference doing this can make.


More information 

Please find more information on specific areas of Safeguarding in the sections included in our Safeguarding tab. Alternatively, if you have any further questions or concerns about Safeguarding at Eggbuckland Community College please contact the College and ask to speak to a member of the safeguarding team. For Westcountry Schools Trust safeguarding information please visit

Meet The Safeguarding Team



Director of Inclusion


Heather Lilley

College Principal


James Yates

Assistant Principal &

Designated Safeguarding Lead


Kim Gibson

Inclusion Manager & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead


Miss Ball

Inclusion Manager & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead


Cherise Riley

Pastoral Leader 
for Year 7 & 9


Adam Castlehouse

Pastoral Leader 
for Year 8


Jayne Everett

Pastoral Leader 
for Year 10


Helen Mullally

Pastoral Leader 
for Year 11


Vikki Watts

Pastoral Support

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